Bionano Therapeutics Lab
Welcome to the Bionano Therapeutics Lab at Louisiana State University
The research of the Bionano Therapeutics Lab aims at resolving challenging health problems associated with the central nervous system. Together with our collaborators, we integrate our specialty in biomedical engineering, chemistry, and neuroscience to investigate disease mechanisms and develop novel therapeutic strategies for cancers and neurological disorders. Our ultimate goal is to translate the preclinical results and technological inventions into more effective treatments for all individuals affected by these diseases.
Group News
08/26/2024 Rayanne joined the lab via LSU ESTEEMED. Welcome!
08/15/2024 Salona and Xianru joined the lab. Welcome!
08/12/2024 Daniel is going to present his work at the 40th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference 2024 and 2024 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting. Congratulations!
05/16/2024 Enson joined the lab. Welcome!
04/15/2024 We received Provost's Fund for Innovation in Research - Big Idea Research Grants to study drug delivery for retinoblastoma treatment. Congratulations!
04/02/2024 We received a grant from the Board of Regents Support Fund over three years to understand how tumor microenvironments contribute to glioblastoma cell migration and invasion. Congratulations!
03/16/2024 Dr. Cai chaired and presented at the BBB and Brain Drug Delivery Session, 21st Annual World Congress of SBMT, Los Angeles, CA.
02/19/2024 Hanna, Daniel, and Sobhan joined the lab. Welcome!
01/24/2024 Dr. Cai's collaborative research paper has been accepted at Nano Letters.
Recent Publication
5. H. Xiong, B. A. Wilson, X. Ge, X. Gao, Q. Cai, X. Xu, R. Bachoo, Z, Qin. Glioblastoma margin as a diffusion barrier revealed by photoactivation of plasmonic nanovesicles. Nano Letters, 2024, 24, 5, 1570–1578.
4. Q. Cai#, H. Fan, X. Li, M. Giannotta, R. Bachoo, Z. Qin#. Optical modulation of the blood-brain barrier for glioblastoma treatment. Bio-protocol, 2024, 14(2): e4920. (#co-corresponding author)
3. X. Ge, X.Xu, Q. Cai, H. Xiong, C. Xie, Y. Hong, X. Gao, Y. Yao, R. Bachoo, Z. Qin. Live mapping of the brain extracellular matrix and remodeling in neurological disorders. Small Methods, 2023, 2301117.
2. Q. Cai, X. Li, H. Xiong, H. Fan, X. Gao, V. Vemireddy, R. Margolis, J. Li, M. Giannotta, K. Hoyt, R. Bachoo, Z. Qin. Optical blood-brain-tumor barrier modulation expands therapeutic options for glioblastoma treatment. Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 4934.
1. T. W. Leong, A. Pal, Q. Cai, Z. Gao, X. Li, L. Bleris, H. N. Hayenga, Z. Qin. Clinical gene therapy development for the central nervous system: Candidates and challenges for AAVs. Journal of Controlled Release, 2023, 357, 511-530.